Home Advice For The Young At Heart Silicon Valley Giants’ Secrets To Success

[Infographic] Silicon Valley Giants’ Secrets To Success


elon musk

Different people have different definitions of success, and even more of them have differing ideas on how to achieve it. Take Elon Musk (left), for example. The man behind SpaceX, Tesla Motors, PayPal and SolarCity believes tenacity is the key to success… even though he did just attend Stanford University for the whole of two days.

On the other hand, Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg prizes the virtue of speaking out for one’s rights, which is probably why she wrote her book “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead“, exhorting women to take charge of their own careers in at a time when gender bias is still too prevalent. They all had their different success triggers – all we need to do is find ours.

The team at WhoIsHostingThis.com has put together a new infographic that details the secrets of success from some of these giants in Silicon Valley:

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