Home Advice For The Young At Heart Do You Have What It Takes To Become A CEO?

[Infographic] Do You Have What It Takes To Become A CEO?


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Starting a company as a founder may be the easy part; running the company as a CEO in the hunt for elusive success can be far, far harder. Because as a masked crusader was once told,with great power comes great responsibility.

In fact, running a business successfully requires the founder or CEO to possess a rather mysterious mix of different skill sets and talents, such as being charismatic enough to command respect and recognizing a good business deal when they see one, to being able to explore new ideas and calculating risks well.

Here’s an infographic from the Brighton School of Business & Management that takes a look at the role of the CEO today, and explores the educational backgrounds, experience, and personality traits of some of the top CEOs in the United States. See how you measure up:

Do you have what it takes to be a CEO - BSBM Infographic