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Tips For Having Great Virtual Meetings


By Ron Ricci and Carl Wiese, authors of “The Collaboration Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your Organization’s True Potential

New technology and the reality of working in global organizations means we are replacing traditional in-person meetings with travel-free, technology-enabled, face-to-face collaboration that can occur at anytime, with anyone, anywhere in the world.

The virtual workplace has many advantages, but it also introduces new challenges. We work with people we’ve never met before, and we cannot bond in the same way we do when we are sitting across the table from them.

The three most important ingredients of a successful virtual meeting are trust, communication and ready access to information. Here are a few tips to help you succeed:

  • Before the meeting, make sure attendees have all the preparation materials they will need and the time to review them.
  • Begin with a quick warm-up. For example, start the meeting by asking remote attendees to describe what’s happening in their country, town or office.
  • During “blended” meetings, where some attendees are gathering in person and others are participating virtually, address remote attendees first and then offer the opportunity to speak to in-person attendees.
  • Identify in-person attendees. In-room speakers — whether presenting or making a comment — should introduce themselves so that remote attendees know who is speaking.
  • Ask remote attendees to be vocal. Emphasize that it is their responsibility to let in-person people know if they cannot hear or follow the discussion.
  • Don’t assume everyone is comfortable with the virtual collaboration technology. Communicate and publish the location and guidelines for the tools you’re using.
  • Rotate meeting times. Ensure that each time zone has a meeting scheduled during normal business hours.
  • Solicit participation. Regularly ask remote attendees if they have comments and encourage participants to post a message.
  • Assign a meeting monitor. Keep an eye out for questions, IMs or chat postings and interjects from remote attendees.
  • If your virtual team includes customers, partners, suppliers or vendors, ensure the security of your documents and corporate information.
  • Avoid colloquialisms, acronyms and corporate-speak if you have nonnative speakers.


[The above is an excerpt from the book The Collaboration Imperative: Executive Strategies for Unlocking Your Organization’s True Potential” by Ron Ricci and Carl Wiese. Copyright © 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc]

Co-author of “The Collaboration Imperative“, Ron Ricci is the vice president of corporate positioning and has spent the last decade helping Cisco develop and nurture a culture of sharing and collaborative processes. He is also the co-author of the business best-seller “Momentum: How Companies Become Unstoppable Market Forces“.

Carl Wiese, co-author of “The Collaboration Imperative“, is senior vice president of Cisco’s collaboration sales — a multi-billion global business. With more than 25 years of sales, marketing, services and product-management experience with Cisco, Apple, Lucent, Avaya and Texas Instruments, Wiese has spent his career working with companies worldwide to advance their business goals with technology. Follow Carl Wiese on Twitter.


  1. By following above mentioned points and using web conferencing tools like webex.com, gotomeeting.com, rhubcom.com etc. one can conduct effective virtual meetings.

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